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100% natural nutraceutical - FRZ® Aloe Arborescens, complete formula - 2 bottles x 410 g
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100% natural nutraceutical - FRZ® Aloe Arborescens, complete formula - 2 bottles x 410 g

Available delivery methods: PORTUGAL - free deliveries by truck, SELECT COUNTRY AND SHIPPING OPTION

Complete formula - most effective.

Take 30 ml or 45 ml - two tablespoons, or three, as appropriate - within 30 to 15 minutes before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). The delay takes approximately 8 days.

* 1 FRZ® 820 g x 43,26 € =   43,26 € (2 bottles x 410 g)
* 2 FRZ® 820 g x 40,96 € =   81,92 €
(4 bottles x 410 g)
* 3 FRZ® 820 g x 38,60 € = 115,80 € (6 bottles x 410 g)


Additional product information



Aloe Arborescens (63%) + Organic Honey (36%) + Distillate (1%) = [0,39% organic alcohol]
Volume: 750ml (820 g)

Detailed Description

The food supplement FRZ® Aloe Arborescens is based on the formula of Frei Romano Zago.

According to the information contained in his book Aloe is not Medicine and yet… it Cures! it has several properties that can make it a valuable aid in preserving and improving health, with emphasis on aid to detoxification and cleansing of blood, improving cellular health, gastric regulation, intestinal and blood sugar, improve the immune system and general well-being. It is antioxidant and balances the pH.

Aloe Arborescens, as an active ingredient, is widely reported in the international literature to be naturally curative in many aspects of health.

Aloe Arborescens is recognized as the richer in active substances among more than 300 varieties of the family of aloe plants identified worldwide.

Aloe Arborescens is the plant that is known with more twin enzymes of human body: It contains 73 of the 95 leading enzymes existing in the human body.

The Aloe Arborescens we use in the production of the nutraceutical FRZ® grows on the waterfront, benefiting the beneficial effects of nature, especially the sea breeze with origin in the Atlantic Ocean.

Another component of this FRZ® nutraceutical food supplement, the organic honey of heather flower, is an extraordinary energetic, recommended since immemorial times for anyone interested in natural food. Its function is to transport the active ingredients of Aloe Arborescens to the most remote parts of the human body. Due to its high simple sugar content it is easily assimilated by the human body.
The third component of FRZ® nutraceutical food supplement is a distillate with 0.71% alcohol which functions as a vasodilator. By dilating capillaries, it lets the Aloe arborescens properties arrive even up to the remotest parts of the human body.

The FRZ® preparation at cold, free of any preservatives or chemical additives, guaranties that quality and integrity of the natural products properties are maintained.



Not recommended for diabetics and pregnant.


180 days + 60 days after opening