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Nutracéutico 100% natural - FRZ® Aloe Arborescens sin miel - 820 g (2 botellas x 410 g)

44,70 / unidad(es)
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Peso del envío: 1.220 g

Formas de envío disponibles: PORTUGAL - free deliveries by truck, POR FAVOR SELECCIONE EL PAÍS DE DESTINO Y LA OPCIÓN DE TRANSPORTE:

Para los diabéticos y / o alérgica a la miel.

Tomar 30ml o 45ml - dos cucharadas, o tres, según necesidad - dentro de los 30 a 15 minutos antes de cada comida (desayuno, almuerzo y cena). La ingestión dura alredor 10 días.


Información de producto adicional


Arborescens (99%) + Aguardiente de Caña (1%) = [0,39% alcohol orgánico]

Volumen 750 ml (820 g)



Descripción detallada


Aunque se desconocen casos graves se desaconseja el uso de FRZ® durante el embarazo. 


120 días + 30 días de la apertura de la cubierta.

In English:

FRZ® Aloe Arborescens has, with this plant, several properties, among which we mention their activity level gastroenteric, cleansing and rebalancing the intestinal metabolism.

These properties make it a valuable aid to preserve health. Aloe Arborescens, as an active ingredient, is widely reported by the international bibliography naturally be curative in many aspects of health. It is advisable to follow the instructions for use properly reported on the packaging, as with all nutritional supplements.

It should be taken in the amounts listed on the label and always after shaking the bottle and do not exceed recommended use. A correct storage of the product is very important: should shelter him from light and heat, preferably, keep it in the cold once opened.

As any food supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Aloe Arborescens is recognized as the richer in active substances from more than 200 varieties of plant identified worldwide. More than that - see our website - is the plant that is known with more enzymes, twin of our body (73 from 95).

The plants we use in the preparation of FRZ® are cultivated in full respect of the biological rhythms of the seasons and nature, without treatment of any kind.

Aloe Arborescens which is used exclusively in the best Portuguese and caste: it is harvested to a kilometre from the coastline, benefiting from the strength of Nature provided by the Atlantic Ocean.

Another component, organic honey, multi flower, is an extraordinary energy, since immemorial time recommended for anyone interested in natural foods. It also has the function of transporting Aloe Arborescens vigorously throughout the body. Thanks to its high content of simple sugars, is an element easily absorbed by human body.

Finally, 0.39% organic alcohol act as vasodilator, which allows to reach Aloe Arborescens in our body innermost capillaries.

The cold preparation FRZ® ensures that the quality of the natural products used is maintained