As with almost everything in life, there are several ways to achieve the same objective, as always there was a desire to counter, rightly or wrongly, some of them. We reproduce this significant news on the fight against cancer:
"Canadian researchers have found a simple cure for cancer, but the Big pharmaceutical companies are not interested in the discovery.
Scientists at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, claim to have cured cancer last week, but this news had no major impact in the media.
The technique is simple and requires basic medicines. The method includes "dichloroacetate" often used to treat disorders of metabolism, so there is no reason to worry about long-term effects.
This medicine does not require a patent, so anyone can take it on the cheap compared to the high cost of drugs for cancerous disease produced by large pharmaceutical companies.
The researchers in question tested "dichloroacetate" (DCA) in human cells and this chemical component exterminated lung cancer cells, breast and brain, leaving healthy cells intact.
The experiment was also performed in rats with severe tumors: cells shrank when they were given water with DCA.
This component is widely available, the technique is easy to use and requires no patent, so the lack of interest of pharmaceutical companies, because it would make money, according to the site
However, the article notes that independent laboratories are ready to begin the production of the drug and do more research to confirm its potential, in collaboration with universities.
source of information:
Research published in the magazine Cancer Cell reveals that a protein has been discovered that gives instructions to the osseous cells to self-destruct themselves preventing the normal regeneration of osseous tissue.
Investigators from the University of
Princetown confirmed that they have discovered which mechanism is involved in
the osseous metasticalization METASTATIZAÇÃO IN PORTUGUESE in cancer of the breast, an advancement that
could possibly open new doors in this area. In a declaration to the online editor of the magazine Cancer Cell, the specialists
confirmed that they had identified a protein from the tumerous cells, called
Jagged 1, that give the osseous cells the instructions to self-destruct,
preventing the normal regeneration of osseous tissues, explained the Publico
newspaper. “We have discovered from samples, taken from the patients with breast cancer and where
it has spread to the bones that there were high levels of Jagged 1” explained
Nilay Se-thi, co-author of the work. According to the specialists, the protein
Jagged 1, when connecting with the receptors present in the cells responsible
for the osseous regeneration, they activate a cascade of molecular signs inside
these cells, the demonating channel of the Notch signs, which end up disturbing
their normal functioning. Jacqueline Bromberg, a specialist in breast cancer
from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, also quoted in the article, considers this
discovery important in the sense that it affirms that it is necessary not only
to try and destruct the cancerous cells but also to stop the interactions
between the malignant cells and the normal cells of the organism that the
cancerous cells can damage.
07 February 2011
Caetano Reis and Sousa who run an Immune Biology Laboratory in the London Research Institute (Cancer Research UK) have won a prize of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council.
According to them “ some results “ have shown that a vaccine or immune therapy against cancer could be a success, complementing other treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery”. All because the vaccine eliminates cancerous cells that are in the body even after treatment, that can cause metastasis.
Caetano contends that “there has to be a change in the mentality of the oncologists, because their opinion is normally based on the rapid diminution of body mass”. With a vaccine the results “could take up to one year, as shown in the tests already carried out”, which signifies that the immune therapy “works more on a long term basis”.
Caetano adds “It is a prize that has
made me very happy, because I believe my work and my teams work to be relevant
in Europe, not only in the fundamental investigations, but also in the
development of new therapies” highlighted by the scientist.
Expresso newspaper 27 November 2010
On the 26th of November 2010 at 20h – the online forum for the Aloe Vera arborescens – the most valuable plant in Portugal – to talk about the benefits for your health of this plant. Ask whoever you wish. We will reply with our knowledge. If you find it of interest and useful tell your friends. Add us to your list and visit:
The plant contains a small amount of toxicity but in
the In the specific case of Aloe Vera
the Federal Drug Administration, a governmental organ of the United States of
America, that control the medicine and foods before the commercialization and
public consumption, have declared the plant to be totally safe.
Book – Cancer has a cure. Frei Romjano Zago.
The creation of a
vaccine against aids could be close. North American investigators have
discovered two antibodies with the capacity to prevent, under laboratory
conditions, the main part of the HIV virus.
Sabado Magazine – 15th July 2010.
In the not so distant future, it will be possible to live till 800 years. A group of scientists from a Californian University have confirmed this, as they have created , under laboratory conditions a gene that permits to prolong life ten times that of today.